Information about Gender Services in Wales

Provided by Umbrella Cymru

Adults: Welsh Gender Service

Find out more about the Welsh Gender Service for adults. The service accepts referrals from 17 years old, but a patient won’t be seen until they turn 18.

Current Referral Month

The Welsh Gender Service is offering initial appointments to people referred around:

This is approximately when those currently being offered their first appointment were initially referred.

Average Referral Rate

The average number of people referred to the Welsh Gender Service last year was:

This is the average number of people referred to the Welsh Gender Service from April 2023 – March 2024 .

Current Wait Time

The approximate waiting time for someone currently being offered an appointment is: 

This is the average time people have waited for an initial appointment.  This will vary for new referrals.

Children and Young People

  • Interim Clinical Policy: Puberty suppressing hormones for children and adolescents who have gender incongruence / dysphoria CONSULTATION CLOSES 1 NOVEMBER 2023 NHS England are seeking…

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  • The WGS have produced a newsletter for Summer 2022. Read the newsletter below (scroll for English): Cymraeg Annwyl Gydweithwyr, Cleifion, Rhanddeiliaid a’r Gymuned, Mae’r Haf…

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  • Clinical Appointments A number of exciting new clinical recruitment opportunities have arisen within the Welsh Gender Service. The Welsh Gender Service provides a pioneering All…

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