New ways to get in touch…

Since the Covid-19 pandemic hit, things have been very busy for all of us.

We hope that everyone is safe and well and we want you all to know that we’re here for you if you if you want to talk to us about anything.

At Umbrella Cymru, we’ve been working tirelessly to revamp all services to make everything digital. So much work has gone on behind the scenes to make this possible, and we are releasing updates and information as quickly as we can.

We now have a number of ways (some new) to contact us. We hope this will make it easier for you to get in touch with us if you want to.

Here are some of our new methods:

  • A quicker route from our main number (local rate or included in minutes)
  • A FREEPHONE number
  • A new SAFE TEXT service for people to use if it wouldn’t be safe to call.
  • A dedicated URGENT ONLY WGS telephone number.

Our 0300 numbers are charged at standard local rates, or they’ll be included in any minutes you have as a bundle or contact.

We’ll pick up the cost of the call if you use our freephone number, but please help us keep costs down by using our main number if you can. It would really help us if you only use this number if you have a PAYG phone or can’t afford the call.

You can also follow our Umbrella Cymru Twitter account @UmbrellaCymru of or our new XIST account @WGS_XIST or like us on Facebook to stay up-to-date with our latest announcements.

#StaySafe #StayHomeSaveLives #HereToHelp #ContactUs #Support

Check out the new contact information below: