Pride Cymru – Trans Healthcare Q&A with Dr Sophie Quinney

Pride Cymru teamed up with trans ally Dr Sophie Quinney to raise awareness of health services dedicated to the support of trans people and to break down the stigma.

For many trans people, accessing healthcare can be challenging – only going to the GP for advice can be very scary. There remains little support and understanding for those seeking help with or questioning their gender identity.

Despite GP’s better intentions it can sometimes be very discouraging and has put off many trans people from going to their doctor’s surgery. This is why the Welsh Gender Service was founded.

During this session, Dr Sophie Quinney answered a range of questions put to her by Kate Hutchinson that had been sent in from members of the trans community. They will be dealing with concerns and queries over the health support currently available and what the future holds for trans healthcare.

This session was sponsored by Community Health Councils.

See the post on Facebook or visit Pride Cymru’s website.